Eine Gruppe von Menschen hält ihre Mobiltelefone hochA group of people holding up their mobile phones at a concert.

11 March 2019

Nothing Works without a Mobile Solution

Samsung launches the Galaxy Fold smartphone at the end of 2019. Once again, the displays are getting bigger, and so are the possibilities. Mobile working is becoming the new standard.

Mobile work: It’s not a gimmick anymore

While just a few years ago the possibilities of mobile devices were regarded more as a supplement to “real” work, a clear trend is emerging with regard to the ever more powerful smartphones and tablets: Mail traffic and document processing can be handled more and more easily completely via touchscreen. What would have been cumbersome on the first generation smartphones – due to too small screens, lack of special applications and insufficient network infrastructure – is no longer a problem on the latest devices.

What is possible today and will be standard tomorrow could be admired, for example, at this year’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Not only Samsung presented its new foldable smartphone at the international trade fair for the mobile phone industry. Huawei, too, relies on the smartphone tablet mix variant with the Mate X, including five cameras and a 5G chipset.

Modern devices for modern work

Larger displays, flatter devices, easy to operate: the potential for mobile technologies seems to be far from exhausted. And this will be felt above all by those companies that are still working purely in a stationary environment.

This challenges manufacturers of business software to align their products to this use. OPTIMAL SYSTEMS already offers a 100% mobile solution for digital work.

The ultimate question: What is mobile business software capable of?

The essential range of functions of an on-premise software can also be used mobile: Many manufacturers are now working on this. Adjustments should now be made where it is necessary for reasons of usability. This applies, for example, to the size of the buttons. In addition, the touchscreen capability of applications and solutions is becoming an increasingly important aspect. After all, secure and convenient access to contracts, invoices and protocols should no longer depend on the employee’s location.

How about your workspace? Find out how you can implement mobile document management today with the enaio® webclient. 

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