Nahaufnahme: Tippende Hände auf TabletA person is using an ipad on a table.

26 April 2019

Recruiting with the press of a button:
HR managers working digitally

Filing business trip receipts? Prepare coffee for interview? That’s the past. Today, the HR department shapes the corporate image of the company, enjoys the highest esteem – and profits from digital solutions.

Digitalization poses enormous challenges to human resources today. As “sparring partners” of the management, HR managers are more involved than ever in the strategic orientation of companies – new competencies are in demand. The digital transformation offers a multitude of opportunities, but also risks. Because software-based personnel planning does not replace the experience of a recruiter with many years of experience, cloud applications cannot satisfy the individual needs of the workforce.

More efficiency with Enterprise Content Management

Nevertheless, digital tools have long since become an integral part of personnel management. This allows new resources to be tapped where previously sober administrative monotony had prevailed, for example when processing holiday or business trip applications. Whereas in the past every application had to be guided through tedious approval and release processes, Enterprise Content Management solutions are now replacing such administrative tasks.

Electronic workflows, for example, can help here: The applicant submits his or her holiday request, which – after approval by the head of department – ends up with the personnel officer. One click is all it takes to book the leave, enter it in the calendar and inform the person concerned of the successful completion of the procedure.

Acquiring new employees with workflows

But even in application management, the potential of digital innovation is far from exhausted. After all, viewing and archiving application documents, as well as scheduling with potential job candidates, is a particularly time-consuming process. ECM tools such as enaio® also act as efficient assistants in order to minimize effort and sustainably relieve recruiting. They ensure that cover letters, CVs and certificates can be assigned to the respective persons at any time and can also be archived in an audit-proof manner. This means that personnel managers also have the documents available at all times for job interviews. The documents are then automatically deleted in accordance with the statutory retention periods.

Ein Balkendiagramm, das die Anzahl der Menschen in Deutschland zeigt, kategorisiert nach Personalakte.

Digital future in HR

More flexibility, more time for the needs of the workforce, less everyday dreariness due to insurmountable piles of paper and mountains of files – most employees have long recognized the clear advantages of digital change. However, it is questionable whether this acceptance will still be guaranteed if in future AI systems will allow chatbots to conduct initial interviews with job candidates or if applications will be screened out solely on the basis of keyword algorithms. Far from the many advantages that intelligent technologies bring in terms of facilitating work, decision-makers should always be aware of what human resources should really be all about.

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