Von Bäumen gesäumte Straße inmitten moderner Gebäude in urbaner Umgebung zur goldenen Stunde, Präsentation von OPTIMAL SYSTEMS Dortmund.

We digitize your company

with our proprietary information management software

A black-and-white portrait of a person with long hair smiling. The subject is looking at the camera against a dark background, and the lighting highlights their facial features on one side. The expression conveys a sense of happiness.
Luftaufnahme eines Docks mit ausgerichteten Booten auf einer ruhigen Wasseroberfläche, die optimale Systeme zeigt.

Sabine Poéll

Digitization saves us a lot of time and reduces the frequency of errors to zero. And you no longer have to ask yourself the question: Have I thought of everything?

Sabine Poéll | HR Manager | REWE Dortmund
Luftaufnahme Phoenixsee Dortmund

Emma Hainer, OPTIMAL SYSTEMS Dortmund

We are looking for tinkerers, planners, visionaries – in short: go-getters who want to support our customers on their way to digitization. You don’t have to be an IT specialist, but simply a specialist in your own field – be it consulting, human resources, customer support or software development.

Luftaufnahme OPTIMAL SYSTEMS Dortmund am Phoenixsee