enaio® User

Invoice Processing and Contract Management

A-ROSA Flussschiff GmbH

  • 630 employees
  • €65 million in sales
  • 11 ships

Logo aRosa

Consistent information processing based on digital contract records

A-ROSA uses the ECM software from OPTIMAL SYSTEMS to process in­coming invoices and plans to upgrade the solution into an infor­mation manage­ment platform for the entire company. bpi solutions, a long-standing partner of OPTIMAL SYSTEMS, has so far imple­mented the administration of accounting documents in enaio®.

This means that all documents, including all attach­ments, are available to the A-ROSA fleet of ships at the push of a button. The Rostock-based company has also decided to add the contract manage­ment component. A-ROSA will use the digital contract record to prepare all infor­mation about contractual part­ners and contents in a consistent manner.

The requirements for the software are very com­plex and include the adapta­bility of the software, especially with regard to the individual require­ments of the ships’ captains. Above all, ensuring the inte­gration and availa­bility of the system on cruises will be a major challenge.

Henning Kortkamp, Managing Director, bpi solutions gmbh & co. Kg

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