enaio® User

Central data pool – seamless workflows

Gebr. Pfeiffer SE

  • Founded in 1964
  • More than 400 employees
  • Subsidiaries in the U.S. and India

Logo Gebr. Pfeiffer

Central data pool – seamless workflows

Plant engineer GEBR. PFEIFFER SE manufactures high-quality machines and complete plants such as, for example, machinery needed for processing rocks and soils. In a traditional project business that delivers custom-made products, information management requirements are rather demanding. To meet these requirements, the company implemented ECM technology from OPTIMAL SYSTEMS.

enaio® provides GEBR. PFEIFFER with a central database that supports all processes, including purchasing and sales processes, project communication, plant records, the management of CAD plans and contract management, and audit-proof archiving, while taking into account industry-specific compliance requirements. In the first project step, electronic project and order records were introduced to fully map the entire procurement and sales process. Thanks to an interface to the existing ERP system (proALPHA), it was possible to implement a seamless workflow in the ECM system. In addition, the old digital drawing archive was replaced.

The support of transmittals is one of the industry-specific project requirements. As a company specialized in major projects in the field of plant engineering, transmittals are an important method of communication and documentation. enaio® supports the transmittal process, the proven means of communication in this industry across the globe, thus allowing the plant engineer to exchange documents using a traceable and verifiable process. Important project documents – such as plans, data sheets, or logs – are created, sent, managed, and distributed simply, quickly, and securely, and progress is recorded in an audit-proof manner. This greatly facilitates project communication.

Our employees can always see which documents have already been sent, which ones are still in circulation, which ones were shared at which time, and much more. That makes work significantly


Wolfgang Fuhr, Head of IT and Organization, Gebr. Pfeiffer SE

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