We are very satisfied. We were able to complete the project at our five locations […]. We enjoy a high level of user acceptance, and our projected process speeds have been exceeded.
Ingo Maschauer, Project Manager, Bayernhafen GmbH & Co. KG
Solution: Teamwork is the future
What good does it do if all information within a company is available in digital form, but it’s distributed across various locations and departments in an unstructured way? enaio® helps you organize the daily barrage of largely unstructured data and information using a standardized platform. This doesn’t merely involve capturing and archiving data, then managing it using a document management system (DMS); it also involves keeping it up-to-date and always providing it to authorized employees at the right time.
In keeping with this aim, centralized management of business-relevant information is one of the key features of enaio®. All of the documents managed in the system can be viewed, edited, and sent by all employees with the corresponding authorization. This saves time and shortens communication routes.
Centralized management of business-relevant information
A standardized, expandable information platform
Secure, controllable access and security system
Context-driven search functions
enaio® subscriptions do away with superfluous notifications within a team: You are automatically kept informed of changes to an object.
Portfolios function like a collection of links, grouping as many documents, directories, addresses, and more as desired by topic or project.
enaio® allows you to share knowledge both internally and externally. Internal links can be used to refer to documents, directories, and maps, for example.
Notes and annotations support the quick exchange of information between enaio® users. Notes can be created for individual enaio® objects and are searchable. They can also be used to link documents, registers, etc. with each other. Variant management provides a clear overview of the current processing status – transparency and revision security are guaranteed.
You can achieve more if you work together. Collaboration management with enaio® improves collaboration, or makes it possible to begin with – from person to person, team to team, location to location, and beyond. The goal of the solution is to better leverage existing synergies through consistent digitalization. All authorized employees – across all locations and companies – can see, edit, and send all documents and information, plus hand these over to an integrated workflow system.
Fruitful collaboration arises when the form and content of data and documents merge to create intelligent objects (electronic records) that contain all information required for meaningful work. Datasets and documents are merged and managed in folder structures within these records.
Work together, leverage synergies
Use documents throughout the company
Folder structure provides an overview
Digital records from enaio® can be adjusted for the respective task purpose, company, or industry. For example, there are electronic customer, supplier, patient, personnel, project, process, and contract records – and much more. Electronic records best facilitate teamwork when they’re combined with the various enaio® features – such as electronic portfolios, internal references, follow-ups, or subscriptions.
All important information in a single record
Single Instance Store
Flexible provision via internal and external references
Numerous areas of application
enaio® coLab
Organize projects, share documents with external participants, manage tasks - enaio® coLab is the perfect complement to enaio®. Collaboration taken one step further.